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Harassment and Hate Crimes in Housing

Harassment and Hate Crimes in Housing

The Federal Fair Housing Act protects individuals against discrimination by people in control of housing, but it also contains a powerful criminal provision that makes it a federal hate crime for any individual to use or threaten to use force to injure, intimidate, or interfere with any person's housing rights because of that person's race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. This session will provide an overview of the Fair Housing Act’s criminal provision and will discuss how to recognize when a housing-related bias incident may violate civil antidiscrimination laws, and when it may be a hate crime.

Presented by Jules Torti, Civil Rights Coordinator, U.S. Attorney’s Office (Vermont)

Held via Zoom. Please use this link to register:

April 28

Old North End Community Center, Fair Housing Afterschool Program

April 28

Fair Housing Training for Municipal Officials