Fair Housing is Your Right!
If you or your organization needs information, training, or referrals regarding fair housing rights and responsibilities, the Fair Housing Project of CVOEO can assist you.
The Fair Housing Project works with our partners to eradicate illegal housing discrimination in Vermont. We provide fair housing education, training, outreach and workshops. We collaborate with agencies such as Regional Planning Commissions to provide workshops for municipal planners, zoning administrators, permitting review boards, housing developers, and business leaders. Municipal officials and volunteer boards can consult with the Fair Housing Project for assessments and training regarding Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
Thriving Communities
Building a Vibrant, Inclusive Vermont
The Fair Housing Project also coordinates Thriving Communities, a statewide collaboration to raise awareness about the economic and social benefits of affordable, inclusive housing. Find out more at www.thrivingcommunitiesvt.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
CONTACT US at fhp@cvoeo.org or:
Jessica Hyman, Director
802-660-3456 Ext. 106
Kahlia Livingston, Education & Outreach Coordinator
802-660-3456 Ext. 110
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