2025 Fair Housing Fridays schedule!

FAIR HOUSING FRIDAYS is a series of informational, interactive video sessions on Fair Housing issues hosted by the Fair Housing Project of CVOEO. See this year’s schedule on the Event Calendar page and check out our recorded conversations from previous Fair Housing Fridays below.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be the first to know when our next series of Fair Housing Fridays begins.

April 4th, 2025: “What do Tenants Need?” - Vanessa Bonebo, Executive Staff Assistant of the VT Human Rights Commission and Karin Ames, Housing Education Coordinator at CVOEO to discuss their experiences working as firsthand resources for tenants around the state dealing with housing barriers and illegal housing discrimination. They both do amazing work that is critical to addressing harms and trauma that stems from these egregious offenses. Register to join this discussion!

April 11th, 2025: “Let’s Crunch the Numbers: Addressing the Vermont Housing Landscape” - Nate Lantieri, Research Coordinator for the Vermont Housing Finance Agency will be joining us to discuss the most recent Housing Needs Assessment that was published last year. We’ll be examining what the collected data tells us about our statewide housing necessities. Register to join this discussion!

April 18th, 2025: “Fair Housing in Homeownership” - We will by joined be Ana Mejia, Homeownership Specialist at the Windham & Windsor Housing trust and Julie Curtin, Director of Homeownership at the Champlain Housing Trust to discuss homeownership programs available through their organizations. We will examine the importance of accessible resources for homeownership and how it promotes affirmatively furthering fair housing. Register to join this discussion!

Fair Housing Fridays archive
Watch/listen to the recordings below


  • April 7th, 2023: “Designing Affordable Housing For and With the People Who Live There” Resident Agency in Home Space: Why resident agency in their living space isn’t just critical to build a sense of belonging and home, but makes for more efficient, inclusive, and connected communities featuring Meaghan Tedder, Connections Coordinator at Evernorth Housing, Jennifer Herrera Condry and Will Condry of Juniper Creative Arts, and Sal Millichamp from Laurentide. Video here

  • April 14th, 2023: Fair Housing Friday: Housing Crisis in The Connecticut  River Valley ” This Fair Housing Friday features a documentary preview on the housing needs of the Connecticut River Valley, and panel discussion from media makers, documentarians, and tenant organizers Jordyn Fitch and Maeve Littau. Video here

  • April 21st, 2023: Fair Housing Friday:Visions Of Home, Broadening Our Housing Vocabulary” How can we create a more expansive housing vocabulary that reflects our history and the vision of the future for Vermont we are working towards? Speakers from Vital Communities, Burlington’s Department of Planning and Zoning and Hinesburg’s Housing Committee join us to share some of the ways they are answering this question.. Video here


  • April 29th, 2022: “Is Building More the Cure?” Featuring Bor Yang, Executive Director of the VT Human Rights Commission; Owiso Makuku, CEO of Main Street Landing and VT Affordable Housing Coalition Steering Committee Member; and Elizabeth Bridgewater, Executive Director of Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, we discussed how relying on development alone won’t ensure housing opportunities for the communities with the greatest housing needs in Vermont. *Video & Links Here*

  • April 22nd, 2022: “The Unique Challenges and Opportunities of Mobile Home Parks.” Hosted by Nate Lantieri of CVOEO’s Mobile Home Program, panelists included Kelly Hamshaw, Senior Lecturer at UVM Dept. of Community Development & Applied Economics; Gayle Pezzo, Board President of Westbury Homeowners Association; and Elise Shanbacker, ED of Addison County Community Trust. *Video & Links Here*

  • April 15, 2022: “Why aren’t we building the housing we need?” Hear from housing advocates, housing providers, and community organizers about the barriers to housing development, what kind of housing we are building, and why (or why not) the housing we are developing meets the needs of our most vulnerable community members. *CLICK HERE to see the video*


  • April 23, 2021: “Changing Realities of Housing after COVID” with Vermont State Senator Kesha Ram, Seth Leonard of Vermont Housing Finance Agency, and Shaun Gilpin of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, facilitated by Brian Pine of the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition.
    *CLICK HERE to see the video*

  • April 16, 2021: “Equity and Choice in Vermont Housing” with Vermont State Representative Brian Cina, VT Human Right Commission Director Bor Yang, and Dalib Bulle from the CVOEO Community Ambassador Program. Panelists focused on challenges to housing & mobility in Vermont, current policy proposals to remedy inequity, and creative solutions from around the country. *See video here*

  • April 9, 2021: Racial Discrimination & Community Impacts with Minelle Sarfo-Adu, a High School Junior at Big Picture South Burlington (BPSB). This informative presentation includes barriers to equal opportunity in housing with a focus on the reality that there is still housing discrimination in housing, how to recognize it, and steps toward individual and community solutions. *See video here*

  • April 2, 2021: Fair Housing Month Kick Off with Jess Hyman, Corrine Yonce, and Shiferaw Gemeda of the CVOEO Fair Housing Project and Johnathan Clark of the Vermont Department of Libraries. Learn about activities and events around the state, including the HeART & Home Community Art Project, online workshops, community discussions, library events, and more. Let’s celebrate inclusive communities and take a stand against housing discrimination! *See video here*

  • February 26, 2021: “Just Cause Eviction & Why It is Important for Housing Equity” with Brian Pine, representing the Just Cause Coalition, Michael Monte from Champlain Housing Trust, Bor Yang from the Vermont Human Rights Commission, and Christie Delphia from the Burlington Tenants Union. *See video here*


  • July 31, 2020: Challenges & Supports for Homeowners in the Wake of COVID-19 - Learn about the current state of homeownership and housing in Vermont (including racial inequities), mortgage assistance for homeowners affected by the pandemic, and how to dig into your community’s housing data with Shaun Gilpin of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, George Demas of Vermont Housing Finance Agency, and Jackson Dean of Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition.
    *See video here (chat log has resource links)*

  • July 17, 2020: VT Rental Assistance Program and Eviction Moratorium Update with Jean Murray of Vermont Legal Aid, Tyler Mass of Vermont State Housing Authority, Shaun Gilpin of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, Angela Zaikowski of Vermont Landlord Association, and Karin Ames of CVOEO Vermont Tenants.
    *See video here* *View resources here*

  • April 10, 2020: State and Federal Housing Policy: What’s Happening and How it Affects You with Erhard Mahnke of the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition and Chris Donnelly of Champlain Housing Trust
    *See video and resources here*

  • April 17, 2020: Tenants’ Rights and Renting during COVID-19 with Erika Johnson of Vermont Legal Aid and Karin Ames of Vermont Tenants
    *See video and resources here*

  • April 24, 2020: Fair Housing during (and in the wake of) COVID-19 with Melissa Horwitz of the Vermont Human Rights Commission and Ted Wimpey, Fair Housing Expert/Advocate
    *See video and resources here*