Ted Wimpey

"I believe that enacting and enforcing good fair housing laws as well as creating open and welcoming communities has positive effects in many aspects of our personal and social life and some of these connections may not seem to be connected on the surface.”

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“I am now retired from my formal/paid advocacy job at CVOEO where I work for about 30 years as a tenant’s rights and fair housing advocate. I am now basically working full time as essentially an unpaid artist. Fair Housing Month was and is a special month for me and I have enjoyed putting together Fair Housing Month art exhibits for a number of years with artist and advocate partners.

I do an eclectic variety of art including a lot of digital art, photography, painting and drawing, and a few small sculpting projects. The subjects of my art is varied and the various media used is often intertwined in a variety of ways. Much of my art is abstract and does not connect directly with fair housing or open communities but some of it has. I like to use instinctive and spontaneous inspiration and expression which is then tamed, somewhat, and somewhat cleaner after episodes of relatively undisciplined splurges of creativity. I like to make connections between seemingly disparate  concepts and forms which conforms to the way I think more generally. 

I believe that fair housing policy as well as open and creating welcoming communities have positive effects in many aspects of our personal and social life and some of these connections may not seem to be connected on the surface.”

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Holly Hauser


Corrine Yonce