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Finding Housing Workshop

Finding Housing Workshop

This 60 minute workshop focuses on building an apartment search toolkit. • Organize a Housing Search: Develop application materials, identify what you want, know where to look, avoid scams, make calls, and view a property.

• Establish a Positive Tenant-Landlord relationship: Landlord perspectives, the role of a property manager, how to research a landlord, and how to negotiate a lease.

• Work Through Barriers: What to do if you have no rental history, credit challenges, past eviction, criminal background, unfavorable landlord reference, or not enough money for security deposit or first month’s rent.

Register for the April 15th course via Zoom!

Can’t make it? This workshop is can be accessed online through our on-demand Ruzuku platform

April 15

Fair Housing “Know Your Rights” Workshop

April 16

Book Discussion: On the Housing Crisis by Jerusalem Demsas