We're happy to partner with Champlain Housing Trust for an online Fair Housing & Tenant Skills workshop on Thursday, April 21, 7-8:30pm.
This session is OPEN TO ALL RENTERS and will include a history of the Fair Housing Act and the resulting protections under Federal and Vermont law; how and when fair housing law applies, exemptions, the complaint and investigation process, and remedies; access requirements for people with disabilities, including reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications; and an overview of tenants rights and responsibilities. The workshop will be held via Zoom with plenty of time for questions.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88393459785
Meeting ID: 883 9345 9785
One tap mobile: 13017158592,,88393459785# US (Washington DC)
In preparation for the workshop, please fill in the short questionnaire at: https://forms.office.com/r/zCmD94pBf0